Name before adoption: Sugar
Name after adoption: Sugar
Adoption date: May 13th, 2017
Breed: Mix

“Sugar is doing very well!

We chose to keep her name and she is very well behaved at home and on walks. She is very playful with our cats as well as other dogs. She is the perfect addition  to our family and we are very thankful for your organization!”
“Sugar is doing excellently! She has adjusted to our family so well, and we are very grateful we have her. She is soon to be enrolled in a training class to help her learn some new skills as well as strengthen the ones we have taught her. Sugar seems to really love snow! Sometimes she doesn’t want to come back inside after our walks because she just wants to play in the snow haha!

Here are some photos for you 🙂 “ Jan 8th, 2018

*Before the adoption


*After the adoption

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